Naval Group at International Forum on Cybersecurity in Lille

Naval Group is once again present at the International Forum on Cybersecurity (FIC) in Lille on January 23 and 24

Information and communication technologies are at the heart of whole warships. Naval Group has made cyber defence one of its top priorities to ensure that both its new and existing ships benefit from the most appropriate level of security. To illustrate the approach used to secure its ships, Naval Group will present a digital mock-up of the Belharra® intermediate-size frigate, which is natively digital and connected.

Today’s frigates represent 2,000 applications, 300 processors, 200 network systems and about one hundred industrial-programmable logic controllers. This equipment allows the management of the combat systems, the propulsion, operations, electrical power supply… These technologies are based on software and electronic components that must be protected.

“The challenges of cybersecurity call for a robust and structured response able to ensure the global protection of the interests of navies. In its capacity as naval-defence system engineering leader, Naval Group designs and integrates specific operational solutions, suited to the needs of its customers. The digital building blocks that we are presenting at the 2018 International Forum on Cybersecurity form part of a coherent and upgradeable security-response model”, explains Jean-Michel Orozco, director of Naval Mission Systems and director of Cybersecurity at Naval Group.

The Naval Group booth, therefore, provides a concrete overview of the onboard and shore cybersecurity capabilities. The see-through hull of the Belharra® frigate Digital Perspective presents the cyber-surveillance processes on board the ship when in action. LED ribbons passing through the decks and the components of the platform and combat system show the networks that converge on the supervision console where the Cyber Management System software processes the data and transmits commands to the equipment. The shore resources, such as the Operational Digitally Integrated Support Centre (COSIN) and the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) will be shortly unveiled, and mobilise advanced cyber-expertise and tools to provide real-time support to the ship and guarantee its digital integrity.

“The cyber-securing of the ship and the support infrastructures are the result of an integrated and transversal approach, covering the entire lifecycle of both surface ships and submarines, from the design phase – with cybersecurity by design – to in-service support – with i-maintenance – and all the way through to decommissioning”, continues Jean-Michel Orozco.

Today, capitalising on its market position and being attentive to the needs of navies, Naval Group affirms its central role in the deployment of the cyber ecosystem with a view to fostering the emergence of an offer that is pertinent and tailored to the naval-defence challenges of tomorrow.
