
Ensuring the security of physical sites through access control systems is a must, as well as that to information systems, has become an increasing critical problem. To do so conventional systems such as passwords, digital fingerprint, and so on do not guarantee anymore a sufficient degree of safety, thus Uniris, a start-up founded in early 2017, developed a new biometric identification system based on different elements, coupled two by two, that generate a crypto key.

Among those biometric elements, that are acquired scanning the index finger, we find an internal ecography of the finger itself, an infrared image of the venous blood cartography, the side fingerprint, a spectrometric analysis of the finger, and the recording of blood pressure and cardiac rhythm. The latter are used to avoid the possible “theft” of the finger by somebody, something that with previous systems allowed to open secure areas using only fingerprints. As for the cardiac rhythm, should this be anomalous it would indicate that the person being identified might be under heavy stress, i.e. under threat by somebody. Each time the identification process is launched the system generates a crypto key, which changes every time.