Nexter supports Special Forces at the 2017 SOFINS show
Nexter Group, the leading French land defense systems and ammunition designer and manufacturer, will showcase its innovations alongside Special Forces from March 28 to 30, 2017 at the newest edition of the Special Operations Forces Innovation Network Seminar (SOFINS) to be held at the military base of Souges.
The 6×6 TITUS® will be presented in its “Homeland Security” configuration. A latest generation robust, reliable and highly modular platform, the TITUS® is capable of operating in urban environments and over difficult terrain. It can ensure a wide range of missions, from troop transport to combat and logistics support and including peace-keeping, combating terrorism and homeland security missions. With its exceptional mobility and protection against ballistic attacks and CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear) threats, the TITUS® is an essential asset for military and security forces worldwide.
The group’s weapon systems will also be spotlighted, in particular through the presentation of the pivot-mounted 20mm P20 and the latest 25 mm RCWS (Remotely Controlled Weapon Station) ARX® 25 “low profile”, that will be accompanied by medium caliber munitions of the Group’s ammunition manufacturers.
Nexter will also be presenting innovative digital solutions. Visitors will thus be able to view demonstrations of the FINDADFI®, a heads-up display mounted on a helmet, and of FINDMP®, the digital mission preparation tool. The Group’s equipment manufacturer subsidiaries, NBC-Sys (NRBC threat protection systems), Nexter Robotics (land and air-land robots) and Nexter Electronics (management and distribution of power), all long-time partners of Special Forces, will also be present in the booth.
Stéphane Mayer, CEO of Nexter, declared “Nexter is proud to participate for the first time in the SOFINS trade show and to be able to show the Special Forces of several countries different solutions capable of supporting them combat constantly changing threats”.
Find Nexter at booths C31/D32 and SAT7, but also at the 2 conferences called “TITUS® and Nexter equipment: How to Support Special Ops?” on March 28, from 16:00 to 16:45, and “Defense Robotics: Asset or Threat?” on March 29, from 10:15 to 11:00.