Rafael and Safran team up on Fire Weaver and Moskito TI targeting solution
Tel Aviv/Heerbrugg, September 9th, 2021 – RAFAEL Advanced Defense Systems Ltd. (RAFAEL) and Safran Vectronix AG (SAFRAN) have signed a Memorandum Of Understanding (MoU) for Rafael’s FIRE WEAVER networked Sensor-to-Effector system integrated with Safran’s MOSKITO TIobservation and location unit.
The pairing of MOSKITO TI and FIRE WEAVER allows all tactical commanders and soldiers to see the same, integrated battlefield image. Moreover, any target can be detected, acquired, and neutralized with pinpoint precision and optimal efficiency, including from standoff distances. Together, these capabilities drastically increase the force’s effectiveness and survivability.
FIRE WEAVER is a revolutionary networked Sensor-to-Effector System designed for the new wave of digitized land-based operations. Enabling unrivaled speed, accuracy, and safety for tactical forces, FIRE WEAVER complements battle management systems by connecting all sensors and effectors in real time, presenting augmented reality information onto weapon sights, instantly selecting the most relevant effector for each target, and enabling simultaneous precision strikes. FIRE WEAVER’s battlefield digitization process enables increased manoeuvrability and expanded effectiveness for infantry-level soldiers and commanders in the field.
MOSKITO TI is a lightweight, multi-purpose target locator that combines higher usability, lower weight, and broader capabilities than any other device in its class. It includes all the essential day/night viewing, measuring and geo-location functions in an efficiently compact, user-friendly package. MOSKITO TI features innovative, versatile view modes, unique connectivity features, and powerful software options. It will enable commanders and soldiers alike to access, receive, and disseminate operational data to other troops and HQ more easily.
This collaboration brings together two world-class defense technology developers – Safran with state-of-the-art optronics equipment, systems, and sensors, and RAFAEL advanced weapon systems addressing the defensive and offensive requirements of the modern battlefield.
This partnership will provide a significant upgrade to tactical maneuvering force operation performance, specifically when it comes to situational awareness, identifying and distinguishing friend from foe, location, and target neutralization.
Since 2019, FIRE WEAVER has been assessed by various military forces like the US Army Expeditionary Warrior Experiment (AEWE) program, Israel’s ground forces divisions or by the German Federal Office for Equipment, Information Technology and Use of the Federal Armed Forces (BAAINBw) as part of its “Transparent Battlefield” study in support of its dynamic operations (ErzUntGlas).
Patrick Drach, Safran Vectronix VP Sales and Marketing: “We strongly believe that the smart digitization of sensors and the optimization of the sensor-to-effector link will make the difference in modern areas of operation. The cooperation between Rafael and Safran is a big step of two world leaders in their domains of activities which go hand in hand to deliver the next level of capabilities to their customers.”
Shmulik Olanski, VP and Head of Rafael’s Multi-Domain Directorate: “We are eager to begin this collaboration with Safran Vectronix, a world-class developer of optical systems. This agreement is part of RAFAEL’s core strategy to form global partnerships, and we are confident that bringing together FIRE WEAVER and MOSKITO TI will elevate both these systems to the next level of performance, to provide tactical forces around the world a significant force-multiplier.
To learn more about the system please visit us at DSEI London, Sep 14-17, on the Rafael booth H5-220 or the Safran booth H6-320.
Image courtesy Rafael