Successful CANTO® 130mm anti-torpedo decoy sea trials from C-Guard
On May 12, DCNS, Chemring Countermeasures and Terma conducted joint operational trials of their TorpedDefence Solution. This solution integrates Terma’s C-Guard Decoy Launching System* with DCNS’s CANTO® Anti-Torpedo Decoy and the Chemring Launch Module which, combined, is designated NATO standard CANTO® 130mm.
The main purpose of the trials was to confirm the live operation of the CANTO® 130mm decoy in its purpose to lure incoming torpedoes from their original target; the ship launching the decoy. Additionally, the trials aimed to prove the performance of the Chemring launch module and the Terma C-Guard ability to launch the decoy.
Once the CANTO® 130mm decoy is launched from C-Guard and enters the water, it starts generating numerous acoustic signals which mask the noise from the ship and generate copious false targets, hence diluting/confusing the homing ability of the incoming torpedo. By deploying CANTO® decoys correctly with associated evasive manoeuvres, the ship is able to steer away from the torpedo target zone to safety while the torpedo, homing on the false targets presented by the decoy, eventually dissipates all its energy or fuel.