The French DGA test fires the VMaX hypersonic glider technology demonstrator

June 27, 2023 – On June 26, 2023, the French General Armaments Directorate (DGA) carried out a test firing of a probe rocket from the Biscarosse DGA missile tests site. This rocket carried the VMaX hyperspeed glider demonstrator.

This first demonstrator contained many on-board technological innovations. Its flight test, on a very demanding long-range trajectory, constituted an unprecedented technical challenge which prepares the future of our national hypervelocity roadmap.

The technical analyses of the numerous data collected throughout the duration of the test are in progress to draw lessons for the rest of the experimental flights.

The General Delegate thanks the technical teams mobilized for this test. Their commitment and expertise allow us to push the limits of our knowledge every day.

Image courtesy DGA
