Belgium chooses Belgium Naval & Robotics for the supply of twelve mine hunters and their drone systems to equip Belgian and Dutch navies
15 March 2019 – Following a call for tenders launched in the summer of 2018, Belgium has just notified the selection of the Belgium Naval & Robotics consortium, bringing together Naval Group and ECA Robotics, for the supply of twelve mine-hunting vessels and their toolbox (payloads). Six ships are for the Belgian navy, the other six will be delivered to the Dutch navy. The contract, for which a budget of nearly two billion euros is planned, will last 10 years. The final notification of the contract should take place in the coming weeks.
The Belgium Naval & Robotics consortium and the Naval Group and ECA Group teams are honored by the trust of the Belgian and Dutch navies and look forward to this next collaboration.
Artist impression courtesy Belgium Naval & Robotics