Blue Flag 2021: IAI’s Scorpius T AESA EW Next Generation Threat Simulator Debuts in Blue Flag 2021

Tel Aviv, Israel, 21 October 2021 – Israel Aerospace Industries’ (IAI) subsidiary, ELTA, is excited to unveil the Training Scorpius (Scorpius T) system participating in the Blue Flag 2021 military exercise- the first use of the system in an international military exercise. The mobile, Scorpius T, AESA EW threat simulator, emulates modern, signal-dense, multi-threat scenarios for aircrews and operators training, as well as test EW functions.

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The system is compatible with 5th generation fighters, mission-aircraft and fighter aircraft. The technology uses a range of small transmitter/receiver units, opposed to a single mechanical antenna, to provide a mobile training unit capable of simulating a range of combat scenarios. In addition, Scorpius T is the first system to combine IAI’ELTA’s AESA technology with EW systems to simulate multiple land-based threats in training exercises.

Images courtesy IAI
