Army-2024 – Lancet loitering munitions offered for export

Nick Morris

Lancet loitering munitions, which had not previously been supplied abroad, have begun to be offered for export. This was highlighted by the first exhibition by Rosoboronexport of the export version of the Lancet, the Lancet-E, at Army 2024, two types of such munitions being visible, named respectively Izdelie-51 and “Izdelie-52

As Rosoboronexport CEO Alexander Mikheev previously stated, foreign customers are showing interest in Lancet, but these loitering munitions are not supplied abroad, due to the high demand for it by the Russian armed forces. At the same time, the head of the Russian defence export company pointed out that Lancet is receiving a lot of attention on the foreign market. As explained at the stand of Zala company, which produces the Lancet loitering munitions, the Lancet-E includes a ground control station, an antenna, a 51-E pneumatic launcher, a universal charging station, a battery, and three types of aircraft. These are the Z-16-E short-range reconnaissance drone and the Lancet 51-E (Izdelie 51-E) and Lancet-52 (Izdelie 52-E) loitering munitions.

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The Z-16-E aircraft-type UAV has a range of up to 50 km and provides target designation for the loitering munitions. The airframe is powered by an electric motor and is fitted with a day and night optoelectronic equipment located in the head of the fuselage. It has a maximum flight altitude of up to 2,500 metres, operating altitude above surface between 500 and 1,500 metres, a flight duration of up to 150 minutes, a maximum takeoff weight of 12 kg, and a flight speed range of 70-100 km/h. Depending on the type of target, two types of loitering munitions are available, both with an X-shaped aerodynamic configuration with a double X-shaped wing.

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The Lancet 51-E (Izdelie 51-E) is equipped with an electric motor, has a range of up to 40 km, a maximum flight altitude of 1,500 metres, a range of operating altitude above of 200-600 metres, a flight endurance of up to 30 minutes, a maximum takeoff weight of 18 kg, and a flight speed of at least 90 km/h. The Lancet 52-E is equipped with an electric motor, has a range of up to 25 km, a maximum flight altitude of 1,500 m, a range of operating altitude above surface of 300-700 metres, a flight endurance of up to 15 minutes, a maximum takeoff weight of 12 kg, a flight speed of at least 90 km/h.

The Lancet 52-E has two X-shaped wings of the same span, which provides it with greater manoeuvrability and the ability to dive onto a target along a steep trajectory. The Lancet 51-E is equipped with a front X-shaped wing of a larger span, which provides it with an increased flight range.

Photos by N. Morris at Army 2024
