FIA2024 – Leonardo’s Advanced M-346 development
Leonardo announced at FIA2024 the launch of a new M-346T and M-346F Block 20 programme to meet future training and operational requirements. Building on their record of delivering more than 100 M-346s with over 120,000 flight hour logged to date, the company’s comprehensive capability enhancement for the future integrated training system will include its core avionics, navigation/identification, mission equipment and ground training capabilities
Technology including AI and sensor upgrades will change pilot training. The M-346T Block 20 aircraft’s will feature large area displays in the front and rear cockpits plus a low profile head-up. These will be combined with digital video and data recorder for mission de-brief and a new augmented reality helmet mounted display. AI technology and sensor upgrades will chance future pilot training with look and feel plus a high fidelity environment. The new technologies will enable training to be customised for individual students which will reduce attrition.
The M-346F Black 20 will be fitted with a Leonardo AESA radar featuring fire control radar capability, integration of new weapon types for both air-to-air and air-to-ground roles in addition to a integral missile datalink. The exact type of AESA radar has yet to be finalised. It will also have a new Identification of Friend or Foe (IFF) transponder.
The Block 20’s Ground Based Training System (GBTS) will be part of an integrated virtual reality maintenance package with a new infrastructure using package included with the aircraft. The infrastructure will use advanced data analytics and high performance computing to enhance the integrated logistic support services. It will include multi-media and classroom courses, flight/mission simulation, virtual and lice/constructive training which will be a key enabler for more efficient technical support.
Flight testing of an M-346 Block 20 aircraft will begin in 2026 and production could begin a year later. The company claims that the M-346 Block 20 aircraft has a market potential of some 150 aircraft over the next decade. Initially they would be new build aircraft although there would be the possibility of modifying existing aircraft at some time in the future.
Photo by D. Oliver