UMEX 2024 – Milrem Robotics THeMIS ground robot gets new teeth, EDGE Hunter SP loitering munitions
At UMEX 024 Estonia-based Milrem Robotics, which majority shares are now detained by the UAE EDGE Group, unveiled the latest iteration of its THeMIS unmanned ground vehicle (UGV), armed with EDGE Hunter SP loitering munitions
The Europe’s leading developer of robotics and autonomous systems, Milrem presented for the first time at the Abu Dhabi unmanned systems exhibition its THeMIS UGV armed with a launcher fitted on the payload flatbed; this is fitted with two pods, each containing seven loitering munitions in two vertical rows, respectively with three and four weapons. These are of the Hunter-SP type; produced by Halcon, one of the EDGE entities, the Hunter SP (for Soldier Portable), has a mass at launch of 4.5 kg, 700 grams being the payload mass. The airframe is launched from a tube with its wings folded backward and its V-shaped tailplane folded forward, the two blades of the pushing propeller being also folded in the container-launcher. Fitted with an electric motor located at the rear, the Hunter SP can fly at around 500 metres over the ground, the system data-link range being 5 km. Once positively identified the target thanks to its optronic package fitted at the front, the Hunter SP dives on it, exploding its warhead. It can reach a cruising speed of around 90 km/h, diving speed in the attack phase being obviously higher, its battery ensuring an endurance of around 25 minutes.
Coming to the platform, the THeMIS is 2.4 metres long, 2 metres wide and 1.18 metres high. It is powered by a hybrid system, endurance at cruise speed with full fuel tanks reaching 15 hours, maximum speed being 20 km/h. If required by the tactical situation the UGV can move with its electric motors powered only by batteries, and in this silent mode its endurance is 1.5 hours,
During UMEX 2024, EDGE announced that Milrem Robotics will provide 60 robotic combat vehicles and unmanned ground vehicles to the UAE military. The deal will include the procurement of 20 tracked robotic combat vehicles (RCVs) and 40 THeMIS UGVs. The contract includes the supply of tracked RCVs with 30mm MK44 cannons, THeMIS UGVs equipped with 30mm M230LF remote weapons stations and indirect fire systems, and THeMIS fitted with surveillance units with radar and camera systems, as well as with shot detection sensors.
Photo by N. Novichkov