Renault Trucks Defense to Exhibit at Milipol 2015
RENAULT TRUCKS Defense will be present at MILIPOL security show which will take place from the 17th to the 20th of November 2015 at the Parc des Expositions Paris Nord in Villepinte (stand L238).
On this occasion, RENAULT TRUCKS Defense will expose on its stand the SHERPA APC XL, a 10.9t armoured vehicle dedicated to troop transport.
The RENAULT TRUCKS Defense Group also includes French brands ACMAT Defense and PANHARD Defense. The complementarity of these three brands enables RENAULT TRUCKS Defense to offer a wide and complete range of tactical and logistical vehicles particularly adapted to Internal and Civil Security.
RENAULT TRUCKS Defense also offers a number of support services throughout vehicle’s life cycle, ranging from user maintenance to modernization or reconstruction of the vehicle if necessary.
The RENAULT TRUCKS Defense Group has recently equipped the French national security forces with both its Sherpa Light Assault Ladder and its Police PVP Dagger.