IT2EC – Saab Dynamics – Learn to Win
The Dynamics division of Saab offers support weapons, missiles, torpedoes, sensors, camouflage and deception systems, training and simulation systems, unmanned underwater vehicles as well as tactical products and support solutions for the commercial and defence markets. Its Training and Simulation business unit employs more than 900 personnel, 500 of which are employed outside of Sweden. At IT2EC the company highlighted its recent export contract successes for comprehensive training systems and centres.
Reflecting the increased defence spending in Europe following the increasing tension between Russia and the west in the last few years, Saab has signed a contract for the delivery of several live training systems and services to the Polish Armed Forces. The order comprises the supply of a complete live training solution for a reinforced mechanised battalion and four training centres for company size units. The contract period is 2021 to 2026 including support over a period of three years.
Another country investing in advanced training systems is Finland. Saab has delivered a Ground Combat In Door Training (GCIDT) facility, with anti-tank weapons and small-arms training capability. Sixty-one systems are deployed to 21 locations, some 20,000 conscripts being trained annually in the GCIDT.
Another major programme awarded in 2022 was a contract modification from the US Marine Corps (USMC) within the Force-on-Force Training Systems-Next programme. The FoFTS-Next programme will include US Marine Corps Training Instrumentation Systems (MCTIS) equipment for up to 10 battalion training sets, and the establishment of support operations at various Marine Corps Installations. The system is planned to be fielded between 2023 and 2026 at USMC bases in at 29 Palms and Camp Pendleton in California, Kanehoe Bay in Hawaii and Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.
Saab is contracted by the Republic of Kenya’s MoD to undertake training at the Kenyan Army’s Combat Training Centre (CTC) School of Infantry in Isiolo. The contract includes a complete, new generation solution for live training including soldier systems with personnel detection devices, vehicle training systems, hand grenades and training applications for a variety of weapons. The contract also includes the latest generation Exercise Control (EXCON) and communication systems, in addition to training courses for users and maintenance personnel. Kenya is however not a totally new user of Saab Training and Simulation equipment, even if this is the first direct contract with this customer. The Kenyan Army has used Saab equipment provided by the British Army during joint training as part of the UK’s Tactical Engagement Simulation in Kenya (TESIK) exercises.
Although Saab no longer supports the British Army Training Unit Kenya (BATUK), in January 2023 the UK MOD extended the Saab training support contract for the Direct Fire Weapon Effects Simulator (DFWES) capability, that delivers Tactical Engagement Simulation (TES) solutions to the British Army and Royal Marines.
Saab is also supporting Exercise Aurora 2023 military exercise, the largest multinational exercise that is taking place 17 April -11 May in Sweden with over 26,000 troops taking part from 14 nations, with live instrumented training equipment and training services.
Photos courtesy Saab