Rafael C-Dome: flexibility above all

Paolo Valpolini

Deploying combat platforms equipped with a naval point defence system is a must for all navies, independently of their displacement. Leveraging the work done on the Iron Dome, Rafael developed the C-Dome, which is offered both for new-built platforms and for upgrading existing ones. In the former case the system would mostly be fully integrated, the 10-cell vertical launch system module fully or partly penetrating the deck, while on-board sensors and command and control systems will ensure target acquisition and missiles guidance.

An intermediate configuration sees an ISO20 container installed on the deck, containing Tamir missiles, interfaced with on-board sensors and C2. This solution was adopted by the Israeli Navy on its Sa’ar 5 1,275 tonnes corvettes, while the new 1,900 tonnes Sa’ar 6 are fitted with the fully integrated C-Dome. In February 2022 first at-sea firing trials against multiple threats on board the Magen, the first-of-class of the four Sa’ar 6 corvettes built by Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems of Germany.

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Finally, the least integrated configuration sees two ISO20 containers, one for the effectors and one for the C2 mission module, the latter being unveiled at Euronaval, although only in a digital way. The main requirement for getting the two-container system on board is to have sufficient space on the deck.

Rafael drafted a roadmap that would allow all major Israeli Navy platforms to be fitted with the C-Dome, which is capable to provide a protective umbrella against ballistic and cruise missiles, among other threats.

More to come soon . . .

Photos courtesy Rafael
