EDA’s Annual Report 2021 is out now!

25 March 2022 – 2021 has been a year of significant developments in the security and defence domain, both for Europe and the EU institutions in general, and for EDA in particular.
Amid rising threats in an increasingly tense geo-strategic environment, especially along the EU’s borders (build-up to the Russian invasion of Ukraine), EDA was involved last year in all major efforts to bring EU defence cooperation forward: from the preparation of the Strategic Compass and ministerial discussions on defence innovation, to the implementation of PESCO and European Defence Fund (EDF) sponsored projects and the launch of the second Coordinated Annual Review on Defence (CARD) cycle. The 2021 Annual Report provides a comprehensive overview of the work accomplished in EDA’s various activity domains throughout the past year.
The 2021 Annual Report provides a comprehensive overview of the work accomplished in EDA’s various activity domains throughout the past year. To view the full document please click HERE
