Euronaval 2020

Once again in 2020 we must write about a cancelled exhibition, and the attempts to keep it alive virtually done by the organisers.

The French Government decision to lower the public gatherings limit to 1,000 people led the organizers to the inevitable decision to switch from a real exhibition to a virtual one.

“Euronaval is the oldest naval exhibition in the world,” Hugues du Plessis d’Argentré, the Director of what has now become Euronaval-Online, underlined during the virtual Press Conference held the week prior the event, remembering that the last edition marked the 50th anniversary of the biennial exhibition as it was the 25th edition. “We wanted to keep the exhibition going, as we consider it useful and essential for our industries and for the come back, and while shifting to a digital version we decided to lengthen the exhibition period, the original dates being October 20-23 while Euronaval-Online will take place 19 to 25,” going digital allowing to easily extend its duration.

One single address brings participants into the virtual exhibition area,

In June another major defence exhibition was to be held in Paris, Eurosatory, which was cancelled due to the pandemic. In that week EDR On-Line tried to partly re-establish the flux of information that usually comes from such an event, to keep our readers interested in land systems happy. The result was quite positive, you can visit our Eurosatory section clicking HERE, so we decided to try doing the same also for Euronaval.

In this page you will thus find the on-line virtual of the EDR Magazine issue that was to be distributed at the exhibition, one article related to the presentation of Euronaval-Online by its Director, Mr. D’Argentré, and a second one, also related to last week press conference, where Mr. Hervé Guillou, President of the GICAN, summarises the situation of the French naval industry in the COVID era.

A section is devoted to Press Releases that will be published during the virtual exhibition. Some of them might become the subject of a wider article.

A series of interviews with relevant players in the naval world and of articles about new products and systems follow.

Hoping to be back as soon as possible to work in presence, which allows us to provide our readers with much more accurate reports, we wish you a good “virtual” naval week of reading.

The Editor

Read the Euronaval EDR Magazine edition

Euronaval-related Press Releases

Euronaval-online: the Directors word

Hervé Guillou, GICAN: resilience, R&D and consolidation to exploit the crisis for growing

Euronaval: the virtual inauguration

DA-Group: MM30, a new naval mine from Finland

Four new OCEA C-Falcon Fast Interceptor Crafts for the Nigerian Navy

Intermarine proposes a new generation of MCM platforms

Leonardo unveils its Lionfish naval remotely controlled weapon stations

The French Navy Patrouilleurs Océaniques (PO) programme is taking-off

Mini-drone capability for small vessels courtesy of Diodon

C-UAS: the new Rafael’s Typhoon Mk-30c mission

Pierre-Eric Pommellet, CEO of Naval Group, talks to EDR On-Line

CNIM looks at export after national successes

First steel cut for the French Navy Patrouilleur d’Outre Mer (POM)

Schiebel Camcopter S-100: new missions and new 3D-printed titanium components

Naviris steams ahead at full speed, says company COO

The PeSCo’s European Patrol Corvette (EPC) programme gains momentum

Rheinmetall: Sea Snake close to production
